Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Mechanics of a Good Essay Answer for the Bar Exam

I am including a checklist as to the mechanics of a good answer for a bar essay. Whether you are writing an essay question in California or in Florida or in any other jurisdiction, use this checklist as a model for all your answers. As you practice your essay writing, keep this checklist in mind.

You must state a rule of law.

You must apply the rules to the facts.

You must reach a conclusion.

Keep Sentences Short

Keep your sentences short and concise. You are not writing a book or some thesis.

Write for an Uninformed Reader

Use your IRAC. For those applicants in New York, that state requires you to use IRAC in answering your essay question.

Also, restate your question as an answer or conclude how you want the court to rule and then why.


Take the call of question and convert it into a statement.

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