Bar Professors Provides Private/Online Tutoring for Repeat Takers for Arizona, Pennsylvania, California, Florida, Illinois, Alabama, Oregon, Washington, Texas, MBE and UBE States
Do not repeat the same class, study plan or approach you used the last time. It did not work. Coming close on the bar is good only in horse shoes. One size does not fit all. Hard work and having a study plan and study strategy will pay off. Say to yourself, “I will be a lawyer.”
You want to get the bar exam behind you and start your new life as a lawyer. Don’t dither or waste time with the “what ifs”. Stay focused and true to your goal to pass.
Obtaining a Bar Professors Florida, UBE or California bar exam tutor will help you pass. Many students who are repeat bar takers need a bar exam coach to help them improve their writing and analytical skills so they can properly navigate through the bar exam. This structured, personalized program is the key to passing the bar for repeat takers.
Never give up. Make your dreams come true.
If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.
We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.
Contact us at for more information.
Bar Professors provide private bar exam on line tutoring for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, Virginia, Georgia, California, North Carolina, Texas and New York bar exams. You can find us at, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors, email us at or see us on youtube.
We change your life!
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