Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The February 2014 Bar Exam: The Bar Exam Writing Process for your Essays

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com.

Here is a suggested list that you might want to try as you continue to practice your bar exam essays.

Allocate your time for each question

Make sure that you understand how much time you have to write your essays. If you have 3 essays to do in 3 hours, then you must allocate 1 hour each for each of your 3 essays. The Bar Examiners know this. Do not attempt to write more than one hour for one essay, even if you know the subject of one essay better than the others – you do not want to short-change any essay.

When you start to read:

Begin with the call of the question. You want to understand what the Bar Examiners are asking you, prior to reading the fact pattern. This way, you can keep in mind the call of the question as you read through the fact pattern

On reading the question:

You must read “actively”. You want to identify the area of law and the legal relationship between the parties, circle or underline any amount of money, dates, locations, quantities, and ages. Also note key words such as “oral”, “written”, “minor”.

Outline your answer before writing

After reading your fact pattern, make sure you outline your answer so you can follow an organized pattern as you write.

Use your remaining time to write:

After writing your outline, write out your essay, using headings and sub headings so that you can make it easy for your grader to follow your essay.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

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